Early Learning Preschool classes for ages 33 months to 5 years.
Summer Preschool Enrichment classes for 3's and 4's
2025-2026 Early Learning Preschool classes at Central Early Learning Center.
Summer 2025 Early Childhood Family Learning (ECFE).
We offer Early Childhood Screenings at the Central Early Learning Center.
Kids Place provides exceptional child care options for working families. As part of St. Louis Park Public Schools, we share the district’s commitment to provide children a safe, nurturing environment that energizes and enhances the spirit.
You can see additional information for all of our Online Certificate Courses here: http://www.yougotclass.org/index.cfm/Slpschools
Each Chess class follows four basic components:
-Teach it!...Each class students are taught different chess concepts and coached to implement those concepts into their chess games.
-Practice it!...Students practice positions set by the coach to improve their understanding of the concept.
-Puzzle it!...Students are given chess puzzles (constructed by WIM Serafima Sokolovskaya) and work with coach guidance to solve them.
-Play it!...Each class sends with students playing 20-30 minutes of chess. Coaches often feature in-class tournaments during the session. Class fee includes ChessKid.com membership for the session (a $49 annual value).
Youth Enrichment League - Mike Lutz
Online registration is over
No Class Feb 17
Youth Enrichment League
No Class Jan 24 & Feb 14