Early Learning Preschool classes for ages 33 months to 5 years.
Summer Preschool Enrichment classes for 3's and 4's
2025-2026 Early Learning Preschool classes at Central Early Learning Center.
Summer 2025 Early Childhood Family Learning (ECFE).
We offer Early Childhood Screenings at the Central Early Learning Center.
Kids Place provides exceptional child care options for working families. As part of St. Louis Park Public Schools, we share the district’s commitment to provide children a safe, nurturing environment that energizes and enhances the spirit.
You can see additional information for all of our Online Certificate Courses here: http://www.yougotclass.org/index.cfm/Slpschools
Come play with your child, grandchild, or a special young person in your life. Together, rediscover the wonder, awe, and joy of using recycled materials for play, discovery, and creativity. You and your child will also find out more about what ignites one another’s interests and passions. In the process, each of you may walk away from this experience feeling less stressed, more optimistic, and more resilient.
Each registration is for 1 child and 1 adult. Minimum age to participate is 3 years old.
We are educators from the Reggio Inspired Network of Minnesota. We hope to inspire people to think creatively by offering interesting open ended materials that are referred to as Loose Parts.
Loose Parts Laboratory